miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

5. Beginner: Grocery Shopping: Questions with Do and Does

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Question with do and does:
Do you like shopping? I do
Do you go shopping alone?  I don`t. I go with my girlfriend.

Does Alex need to go the shopping? Yes, She does.
Do you want to go shopping? Yes, I do / No, I don't / Yes, she does / No, he doesn't
What does Alex need to buy? She needs buy some juice, bread, cheese and shrimp

What is a question word
Does is a helping verb
Need is an infinitive verb

Where does Alex want to go with Nick? She wants to go to the store.

Is cheese expensive? Yes, it is. It's a little expensive.

Does Alex like red apple? No, she doesn't. She likes green apples.

Do you like red apples? No, I don't
Does need go to shooping? Yes, she needs go to shopping

4. Beginner: Understanding and giving directions

Primero mira este video:



Excuse me, do yo know where the beach is?
Where is the library? It's to close to Beacon street.

Turn right
Turn left
Go straight
Walk for to blocks

What is the tourist looking for? The tourist looking for the Capitol.
Where did the man tell her to go? Go right along Becon street for two blocks and the state house is on your left.

Where is the Louisburg Square? Close to Mount Vernon street.

Excuse me, where is the beach? Go straight and you'll see the beach.

3. Beginner: Talking about the family

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How big is your family?

Aunt: sister of one of your parents
Uncle: brother of one of your parents
Nephew: son of your sister o brother
Niece: daughter of your sister o brother
Cousin: son and daughter of your uncle o aunt

How many relatives do the people have?

I have a brother.
Do you have any cousins?
How many nieces do you have?

When I get married, I want to have three children.

My grandmother had four children.
To have children: to give birth

Wow, you have a big family
Do you have any nieces or nephew?
When I married, I'll have three o four kids.
How many cousin do you have?

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

2. Beginner: Asking questions about time

Primero mira este video:


What time does the movie start?
6.30 o half past six

What time did Catherine have to be home?
Do we have time?

Do you have the time?
Excuse me, do you have the time, please?
What is the time, please?
What time is it?

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

1.Beginner: Introducing yourself

Primero mira éste video:



Hi, my name is Max and i from Italy.

Where Max does come from? Italy

Hello, what is your name?
My name is__________ and I from _________

5. Beginner: Grocery Shopping: Questions with Do and Does

Primero mira este video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLhV-zyOja0&feature=related Resumen: Question with do and does: Do you li...